Email Automation 📧

Email automation is an effective feature for reaching out and communicating with potential customers at the right time and with the right content. It might sound complicated, but SalesConnect simplifies the process, and allows you to send emails at specific times.

The key benefit of email automation is the ability to send relevant emails to the right people, improving your marketing strategy.

Configure your Email Sender

Before you can start sending cold emails with SalesConnect, you need to configure your email account within the platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Email Sender.
  2. Find tutorials for setting up various email providers here.

Single Email Campaign

single campaign salesconnect

To create a single campaign, with no email sequences, all you have to do is Click on : Create a new campaign 👇

email campaigns

Choose Email Type: Decide whether you want to write a simple, personalized text email or use the “drag and drop” option. The choice depends on your campaign type:

  • Simple Text: Ideal for cold campaigns.
  • Drag and Drop: Suitable for email marketing automation, such as creating newsletters.

Using Simple Text : 👇​​

Start by clicking on the “Simple Text” option, which will guide you to compose a basic text email.

single campaign salesconnect2

Write your email message within the provided text editor. You can personalize it as needed, and ensure it’s aligned with your campaign’s goals.


Save as a Template (Optional): You have the choice to save the email you’ve crafted as a reusable template for future campaigns. This can be a time-saving feature if you plan to use a similar format in other emails.


Or just continue your campaign launch without saving the email as a template :

Email Automation
  • Choose the Email Subject: Begin by selecting a clear and compelling subject for your email. The subject line is the first thing your recipients will see, so make it engaging to pique their interest.
  • Campaign Name: Give your campaign a distinct name. This helps you easily identify and manage different campaigns, especially if you plan to run multiple single email campaigns.
  • Select the Sender: Decide who the email should appear to be from. This could be your name, your company’s name, or another suitable sender identity. Make sure it’s recognizable to your recipients.
  • Select the List of Prospects: To send your campaign, you need to have a pre-made list of prospects. Choose the list you want to send this specific email to. This list should contain the email addresses of the intended recipients.
  • Schedule the Send: Determine when you want your campaign to be sent. You can choose to send it immediately or schedule it for a future date and time. Scheduling allows you to time your emails for maximum impact, such as during business hours or on specific days.
  • Set the Sending Time: If you’ve chosen to schedule your campaign, specify the exact date and time you want the email to be sent. This ensures your email reaches your prospects at the most opportune moment.
  • Launching the Campaign: Once you’ve completed these steps and validated all the settings, you can go ahead and launch your email campaign. This action initiates the sending process, and your emails will be delivered to the selected prospects.

To keep track of your campaign’s progress, you can monitor its status and performance in the “Campaign” tab. This allows you to see how your campaign is performing and make any necessary adjustments as it progresses. 🚀

Using “Advanced with AI“:

Email Automation

For a more advanced email campaign using the “drag and drop” feature, follow these detailed steps:

  • Select “Advanced with AI”: When initiating a new campaign, opt for the “Advanced with AI” option. This choice allows you to create a more intricate email template using the drag-and-drop method.
  • Create the Email Template: In this step, you’ll build your email template by dragging and dropping pre-made content elements. These elements can include text blocks, images, buttons, and more. As you customize your email layout, ensure it aligns with your campaign objectives and desired aesthetics.
drag n drop email builder

The rest of the process remains consistent for both simple text emails and those created with the “drag and drop” feature, making it easy to create and launch email campaigns according to your specific needs.

Email Sequences ​🚀

Email Sequences

To create a sequence of emails, follow these simple steps 👇 :

  1. Create a new sequence
Email Automation


cold emailing

Choose the Email Automation name: Give your sequence a distinct name. This helps you easily identify and manage different email campaigns.

Select the List of Prospects: To send your email sequence, you need to have a pre-made list of prospects.

Note 🚨

Contacts will exit the automation once they have received all scheduled emails.

Email Automation

Within your sequence, you have the option to customize the email delivery schedule. You can either choose to send emails immediately or introduce specific time intervals between each email in the sequence. This feature grants you precise control over the cadence of your outreach.

Just like in a “single email campaign,” you’ll be crafting tailored email content designed to optimize response rates in your cold email efforts. Personalization is key, as it increases the likelihood of engagement from your prospects.

Then, ou’ll need to select the subject line for your initial email sequence. This subject line serves as the first point of contact with your prospect and should be attention-grabbing and relevant to pique their interest. You’ll also need to associate this email sequence with a designated sender, ensuring that your emails have a clear and trustworthy source.

If you have any further questions or require assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated support team. You can reach out through the platform’s chatbot or directly via email at [email protected].

We’re here to help and ensure your experience with our platform is seamless and productive. ❤️​

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