LinkedIn Automation

LinkedIn automation has emerged as a highly effective prospecting method, gaining popularity in recent times. SalesConnect makes it simpler and easy to implement, it enables you to connect with potential leads on LinkedIn by sending them personalized messages directly.

The beauty of LinkedIn automation using SalesConenct is that it allows you to tailor your outreach in two distinct ways:

  • Sequence of Messages: You can opt for a sequence of messages, which involves a series of personalized interactions. This method is excellent for nurturing relationships, guiding leads through a well-thought-out engagement process, and following up effectively.
  • Single Message: Alternatively, you can choose to send a single, well-written message to your prospects. This approach is ideal for making a direct and impactful initial connection with potential leads.

Single LinkedIn Campaign

A single campaign is like sending a single, targeted message to a list of potential prospects on LinkedIn. Imagine you have a curated list of individuals or businesses you want to connect with or reach out to. Instead of manually typing and sending messages one by one, a single campaign automate the process.

Here’s how it works:

Start with creating a “New LinkedIn campaign” ​👇​

Start by giving your campaign a unique name. This helps you easily identify it later. Then, select the LinkedIn profile from which your messages will be sent

List of Prospects: You add your list of prospects or connections you want to contact. These could be potential clients, partners, or anyone you wish to engage with on LinkedIn.

Remember â€‹â€‹ðŸš¨â€‹, you can only contact those with LinkedIn IDs who are part of your network, have premium accounts, or belong to the same LinkedIn groups as you.

salesconnect Automation

If you’ve prepared a message template, you can use it directly. If not, write a personalized message using variables like first name, last name, company, and job title. You can also save this message as a template for future use.

We recommend you create a message that resonates with your intended recipients. This message can be tailored to their specific needs, interests, or the reason you want to connect with them.

  • Scheduling 👀​: Decide when you want your campaign to start. You can either send it immediately or set a specific date and time.
  • Send Timing ⌚: Choose the date and time range for your messages to be sent.
  • Confirmation 🎯​: Once you’ve set everything up, click “Confirm” to save your campaign settings. This ensures your outreach happens according to your plan.
automated linkedin

A LinkedIn sequences campaign is like sending a set of well-planned messages to a chosen list of prospects on LinkedIn. Think of it as reaching out to specific people or companies. Instead of typing messages one by one and manual follow-ups, a sequences campaign does it for you.

Here’s how it works:

LinkedIn Automation
  • Start by giving your campaign a unique name ” LinkedIn Automation Name“.
  • Add the list of prospects you want to reach out to, and after you add contacts to this list, your campaign kicks into action. Any new additions to the list while the campaign is running will also receive your messages.

When do your contacts exit the LinkedIn sequences? By default, the automation stops when a contact has received all the messages. But you have the flexibility to halt it when a prospect responds, clicks a link, or visits your website. You can use Analytics to keep track of these actions. 😉​

  • In the left panel, choose your LinkedIn profile under ‘Sender Profile’ and set the time you want your messages to be sent.

The last step is adding your message content. If you’ve already created a message template, you can simply use it. If not, you can write a customized message by including variables like the recipient’s first name, last name, company, and job title. Plus, you have the option to save this message as a template for future outreach. 🎯

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