Manage LinkedIn Profiles

In certain situations, agencies and companies may find it necessary to efficiently manage multiple LinkedIn profiles within a unified platform. This practice offers several advantages, such as preventing duplication, streamlining prospect interactions, and ensuring better organisation for your team or clients.

If you’re subscribed to the Pro or Advanced Plan, you will have access to the “Team” feature, which will allow you to seamlessly add and manage multiple LinkedIn profiles.

Let’s see how you can make the most of it: ​👇​

First things first, begin by navigating to the “Settings” section. Then Click on “LinkedIn Profiles” within the settings menu :

linkedin automation salesconnect

Now you’ll be redirected to the “settings” page where you’ll be able to add other members LinkedIn accounts : 👇​

salesconnect linkedin profiles

In this section, you can add LinkedIn profile IDs, both your own and those of your team members. This allows you to designate which account to use when executing sequences, sending messages, and taking various actions.

Please ensure that you enter LinkedIn profile IDs one per line, without including the “” or “” prefixes. For example:

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and coordinate multiple profiles for professional engagement. This feature is particularly valuable for teams and agencies aiming to optimise their LinkedIn interactions. 💗​

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